Dec 27, 2008

Peter Schiff in Wall Street Journal

It would be irresponsible in the extreme for an individual to forestall a personal recession by taking out newer, bigger loans when the old loans can't be repaid. However, this is precisely what we are planning on a national level.

I believe these ideas hold sway largely because they promise happy, pain-free solutions. They are the economic equivalent of miracle weight-loss programs that require no dieting or exercise. The theories permit economists to claim mystic wisdom, governments to pretend that they have the power to dispel hardship with the whir of a printing press, and voters to believe that they can have recovery without sacrifice.

As a follower of the Austrian School of economics I believe that market forces apply equally to people and nations. The problems we face collectively are no different from those we face individually. Belt tightening is required by all, including government.

Governments cannot create but merely redirect. When the government spends, the money has to come from somewhere. If the government doesn't have a surplus, then it must come from taxes. If taxes don't go up, then it must come from increased borrowing. If lenders won't lend, then it must come from the printing press, which is where all these bailouts are headed. But each additional dollar printed diminishes the value those already in circulation. Something cannot be effortlessly created from nothing.

Contemporary currency warfare

This is as good a time as any to start the thread because a lot of angry Washingtonians are worried sick about the economy and are trying to scapegoat or say "Shalom" to Shalom Bernanke.

As you might have known, Ben Shalom Bernanke is of course the current Chairman of the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve. His official title also included Chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). In October of 2005, Bush appointed Bernanke to fill Alan Greenspan's shoes. In retrospect, the unlucky fellow had in fact been earmarked by Greenspan to hold the bag for him just before the economic indicators nosedived.

Poor Bernanke. He should have been born a Chinese and not a Jew, thereby gaining more glory for himself riding on the crest of an economic boom on the far side of the Pacific Ocean.

One of my six degrees happens to be in finance, and one thing I have noticed about financiers is that they don't have any idea where the economy is headed.

The brightest and ablest financiers usually miss the easiest economic indicators and bet on the wrong horse, making it necessary for equally ineffective rearguard action and remedial measures to prevent the economy from spinning out of control.

It is a hot topic these days because many people know a lot about hot warfare involving weapons and casualties, but nearly not enough about how a few financial handlers in this increasingly interdependent world of ours can negate the hard work and the sacrifice of a large segment of the population.

In order to prevent what happened to a French bank recently and to a British bank several years ago, we have to learn how the world's financial centers work.

There can be only one fulcrum in a see-saw machine.
Similarly, there can be only one leverage point in a global financial system.
That point is no longer the U.S.

Right now it is still enjoying the advantage of experience. But it is like a 45-year old man playing basketball with a 13 year-old who's already six feet tall.

The 45-year old may still win the game because of his experience, but the future in a few short years simply cannot be his.

China is a role model to all developing nations

China is a role model to all developing nations around the globe.
After centuries of oppression and domination by western nations, most developing nations are trying to pull their nations up from poverty. They look at China's rapid progress as an example.
China also give aid and technical help to these nations and have formed many bilateral relations for the benefit of everyone.
However, it is not only the developing nations that benefit from China. The developed nations benefit as well.
Recently, China has helped to arbitrate between the US and North Korea. There are also many more examples too numerous to mention.

she acts not only as a role model but also she focuses more on business development. Just like Great xiao ping said, we must put full energy in business establishing as our key task. So do business, do relationship firstly...

China is improving the lives of so many who live in Africa.
It seems to me that the this sleeping tiger has woken up and is trying to improve life not only for her own but others as well.
She is not going into countries with arms to destroy the people and their livelihoods.

Dec 26, 2008

leave or stay in big city?

work in a big city as a common white collar with low salary.
The house price is surgingly rising.
we can not afford it even after work mang years.
how to face the problem ?
maybe we do not care it when we are young.
but how we do when we are old?

when old, just go back to country side

Consider buying outside the city where there is a regular bus/train service to and from the city.

I want a western guy

I like western guys because I feel them sexy ,gentle ,wise and have a sense of humor. usually they are more open than chinese guys. also mixed blood kidds are beautiful and smart. So I hope to love and be loved by such a guy. I am seeking. Even want to get married with one.
GIRLS, tell me why you like western guys.
I like western culture just like I like western guys. Huge fan of NBA.
it is not necessary to leave China to go other countries like USA, I love China no less than anyone else. And money is not concerned either. I am pretty sure I can make enough money I need.

My married boss loves my married colleague

my boss: malemy

colleague: female

site: our open office

time: every daytheme:

love or flirtationaudience: staff of the office

You must lose confidence in marriage. Cheer up, it's an individual case.

It is none of your business. But I don't think it is a good place for working. Maybe some day you will change your mind on marriage or something else.

Flash Marriage Group

Flash Marriage Group , as its name indicates, refers to those who established the marital relationship in a faction of time, lacking of the necessary period of mutual understanding and trust. As for such group, the long romantic stage of marriage, such as meeting at first sight, falling in love, getting married, are completed in the very fast way. However, in the remote antiquity, it took long periods before young couple got married. Also, some person should serve as go-between or matchmaker to bring a natural acculmation to both parts. Therefore, the action of meeting with each other without matchmaker was the very behaviour people at that time abhored, and chances that they went to church were quite few. By contrast, flash marriage group advocates the concept of “marriage freedom” and leave behind what was a must in the past. what is your view concerning this very issue?

perhaps this very topic will arouse the topic of morality in china or some western countries.

i think i will not be a member of the flash marriage group,marrage is very important to everyone,so i will be careful.

Maybe I will try...I hope meeting at first sight